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(2021) New Chapter of Global Digital Governance

The digital revolution brings new opportunities and drivers for the development of global digital governance, but at the same time presents challenges. First, traditional macro problems such as unbalanced development, the lack of a sound set of rules and order in the global digital realm are becoming increasingly prominent. Second, deeper problems, including cross-border data flows; personal information protection; the localization of computer facilities; governance of digital intellectual property platforms, monopoly platforms and intermediary liability; digital security, AI governance, digital currency governance and new digital ethics are all bottlenecks to a new development stage.

As the digital economy thrives, global digital governance is now a matter of growing urgency. Liu Taoxiong pointed out that there is very limited international cooperation on the digital economy and data governance. Cooperation in global trade is coordinated internationally by the WTO, yet data cooperation remains fragmented, with no joint efforts from the major powers in particular. In the context of the boom in data, the issues of how to promote cross-border data flow and share data standards globally have become urgent. The world needs a "World Technology Organization" or "World Digital Organization" to drive a consensus on a basic system of global digital governance before the digital economy reaches its peak.

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