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(2021) Plenary Session II:The Next Disruptive Innovation

Humanity have gone through several industrial revolutions and seen the impact of disruptive innovation on the economy and society. In what areas could new disruptive innovations appear and how might they impact the future of the world?

Elon Musk noted that in addition to the expected discovery of extraterrestrial life, disruptive technologies are set to emerge in areas such as artificial intelligence, DNA and RNA synthesis, self-driving vehicles, and 3D tunnels as a solution to traffic congestion.

Xue Qikun, a quantum physicist, spent little time discussing quantum computing and quantum networks, but instead talked about the development of sustainable energy. He cited BP statistics released last year that suggest global resources have become scarce after three industrial revolutions, and that petroleum and natural gas are expected to run out in 50 years if current patterns of development and consumption continue. He proposed "sustainable recycling", i.e. the use of clean energy, including solar, and barely any fossil energy, to ensure the sustainable application of the technologies that emerged from the three industrial revolutions, as a solution.

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