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This year is the 18th annual session of the China Development Forum (CDF) since its inauguration in 2000. It aims to promote international exchanges on development policies and international cooperation. With the objective to “Engage with the World for Common Prosperity”, the Forum is China’s most preeminent platform for dialogue between China’s senior leadership and representatives from global leading businesses, international organizations, and scholars from home and abroad. 

Since its inception, CDF holds its annual meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing in the second half of March. This is the first major state-level international meeting held after the conclusion of the “Two Sessions”, namely the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). At each annual Forum, the Vice Premier of the Chinese government would give a speech to outline the orientation and priorities of China’s development agenda, and the Premier would personally meets with invited overseas delegates to solicit their suggestions and feedback.

The Forum is attended by top executives and leaders from global corporations and institutions, renowned scholars, and China’s most senior ministers, local officials and leaders of Chinese enterprises.

About CDF 2017

The annual session of China Development Forum 2017, organized by the China Development Research Foundation, will be hosted by the Development Research Center of the State Council of China on March 18-20, 2017 at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. The theme of this year’s Forum is set as “China and the World: Economic Transformation through Structural Reforms”, will address key topical issues concerning China and the world at this time of profound global uncertainties, including the economy and industry, international relations, public policy, sustainable development, health and welfare, finance, and technology and innovation.

Program Format

The Forum is a two-part, three-day event designed to engage and inspire people from all circles and sectors on current issues concerning both China and the world. It consists of an Economic Summit on Saturday and Main Forum on Sunday and Monday. 

The Economic Summit comprises plenary sessions, parallel panel discussions, luncheon meetings, and round-table meetings of varying levels of exclusivity. A plenary session focused on the global economy will be held in the morning, followed by parallel sessions held in several venues. 

The Main Forum gathers China’s top government leaders, leading corporate executives and influential figures from global institutions and academia to discuss China’s strategic policies on economic and social development. 

The working languages of the Forum are Chinese and English. Bi-directional simultaneous interpretation will be provided at all the venues.

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