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Time:March 23-25, 2019
Beijing Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
Sponsor:Development Research Center of the State Council
Organiser:China Development Research Foundation
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About the Forum Message from the Chairman

Dear distinguished guests,


China Development Forum (CDF) will be held on March 23-25, 2019. As the Chairman of the forum and on behalf of Development Research Center of the State Council, I would like to warmly welcome all CDF delegates of from China and abroad!

CDF is the first annual high-level international conference held in China right after the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) each year. Under the mandate “Engaging with the world for the common prosperity”, it serves as an important platform for Chinese government to carry out candid exchanges and discussions with leaders of global businesses and international organizations as well as foreign and Chinese scholars.

Initiated in 2000, CDF has made remarkable contributions to the policy exchange and international collaborations between China and the world.

This year, the 20th CDF is themed “Greater Opening-up for Win-Win Cooperation”.

Opening-up is what enabled China's historical achievements since 1978.

China’s development is closely linked to the prosperity of the world. Looking ahead, China will pursue even greater opening-up and steadily promote win-win cooperation around the globe.

CDF 2019 will host in-depth discussions on various topics, such as supply-side structural reform, proactive fiscal policy, further opening up and stability of the financial services industry, spearheading a new round of opening-up, the high-quality development of manufacturing industry, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, etc. Discussions will also focus on how China can strengthen communication, collaboration and cooperation with the nations of the world, get better contribute to global governance, and work together to meet global development challenges, especially against the background of greater tension among major powers, rising populism and trade protectionism, and increasing macroeconomic uncertainty.

This year’s CDF will further deepen understanding, enhance mutual trust, build consensus and strengthen cooperation of different sides. I believe that, with the support and participation of delegates from different countries and fields, CDF 2019 is bound to be successful.


Li Wei

Chairman, China Development Forum

President, Development Research Center of the State Council