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Time:March 24-26, 2018
Beijing Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
Sponsor:Development Research Center of the State Council
Organiser:China Development Research Foundation
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Silk Road Fund Co., Ltd. (“SRF”) is a Beijing-based medium to long term investment fund established under the PRC Company Law on December 29, 2014. As an important vehicle to implement China’s Initiative of the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, SRF adopts openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefits as its core values. It endeavors to enhance the connectivity of the Chinese economy with the rest of the world and promote the development and prosperity of both China and other countries.

The committed funding in SRF announced by the Chinese government is USD40 billion and RMB100 billion. The initial tranche of USD10 billion is contributed by four Chinese shareholders: the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, China Investment Corporation, Export-Import Bank of China and China Development Bank. SRF welcomes interested partners, both domestic and international, to join the fund or to co-invest in sub-funds after the initial period of operations.

As a commercial investment institution, SRF makes outbound investment in diverse geographic areas outside of China. The fund focuses on projects with optimal risk-return profiles in broad sectors such as infrastructure, energy & resources, industrials and financial services. It seeks to achieve its own financial sustainability and good investment returns for the shareholders in the medium to long run.

SRF’s investment takes a variety of forms, including primarily direct equity investment, as well as debt financing and investment in other funds. SRF is also mandated to sponsor and establish investment funds with domestic or international financial institutions.

SRF believes that good corporate governance is critical to the soundness of its investment decision making. In accordance with the PRC Company Law and the fund’s own Articles of Association, SRF has established a Board of Directors, a Board of Supervisors and a management team. The fund employs professional staff to operate its business in accordance with international market practice.

As a responsible corporate citizen, SRF strives to comply with all applicable laws and attaches great importance to environmental protection and sustainable development. The fund is committed to bridging people across the world and building a better global community together with its business partners.