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Time:March 24-26, 2018
Beijing Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
Sponsor:Development Research Center of the State Council
Organiser:China Development Research Foundation
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Naspers Back Participating Organisations List>

Naspers Group is a global platform operator with principal operations in internet services, pay television and print media.

Founded in 1915, our primary listing is on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) in South Africa. Listed since 1994, we have grown to be part of the Top 10 index over the past number of years. . We also have a Level I American Depository Receipt programme (ADR programme) listing on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and trade on an over-the-counter (OTC) basis. International investors account for around 50% of our shareholder base.

As a broad-based, multinational media group, we provide services in more than 130 countries. We believe this wide spread of operations reduces the risk and exposure to any country, currency, business model or technology.

We operate mainly in markets with strong growth potential. These include Africa, China, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, India, South-east Asia and the Middle East. Most of our businesses are market leaders in their sectors.

Wherever we operate, we ensure that we comply with all international, national and local legislation and regulations. In South Africa we comply with the spirit and letter of the country’s Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) requirements.