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Time:March 24-26, 2018
Beijing Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
Sponsor:Development Research Center of the State Council
Organiser:China Development Research Foundation
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Foremost Group Back Participating Organisations List>

Foremost Group is an international shipping company founded in New York City in 1964, thus marking 2014 as its 50 year anniversary. The company enjoys a sterling reputation and is universally well regarded in the international shipping industry for its professionalism and high ethical standards. From the outset, “Reliability”, “Honor” and “Integrity” have been Foremost’s abiding business principles and “Conservative and Prudent Management Marked by Innovation and Leadership” has been its longstanding corporate policy. After five decades of operations, Foremost still embodies these values.

Foremost demonstrates exceptional ability to effectively face constantly changing market environments while maintaining a conservatively managed, yet growing and reliable, company. Over the past 50 years, Foremost has taken advantage of shipping’s cyclical downturns to successfully expand its fleet and diversify its activities. Foremost has one of the youngest, most modern & environmentally-friendly fleet in the world. Foremost has ordered a total of over five million deadweight tons with a total contract cost over a billion US dollars in China alone.