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Time:March 24-26, 2018
Beijing Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
Sponsor:Development Research Center of the State Council
Organiser:China Development Research Foundation
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What is AMRO

The ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) was established to contribute to securing the economic and financial stability of the region through conducting macroeconomic surveillance and supporting the implementation of the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM), a multilateral currency swap arrangement among ASEAN+3 members. AMRO was initially established as a company limited by guarantee in Singapore in April 2011, and transformed into an international organization in February 2016.

AMRO’s Mission

To contribute to the macroeconomic and financial stability of the region through conducting macroeconomic surveillance and supporting the implementation of the regional financial arrangement.

AMRO’s Vision

To be an independent, credible and professional regional organization acting as a trusted policy advisor to members in the ASEAN+3 region.

AMRO’s Work

AMRO focuses on three core functions: conducting macroeconomic surveillance, supporting the implementation of CMIM, and providing technical assistance (TA) to members.

AMRO’s Leaders

In May 2011, Mr. Wei Benhua, former deputy director of the China Foreign Exchange Administration, served as AMRO's first director. In May 2012, Dr. Yoichi Nemoto, deputy director of the International Bureau of the Ministry of Finance of Japan, took over as the director. In May 2016, Dr. Chang Junhong, Deputy Director of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Finance of China, became the new director of AMRO and the first director of AMRO's promotion to an international organization.