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Time:March 24-26, 2018
Beijing Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
Sponsor:Development Research Center of the State Council
Organiser:China Development Research Foundation
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CIFF is the world’s largest philanthropy that focuses specifically on improving children’s lives.

CIFF is an independent philanthropic organisation, headquartered in London with offices in Nairobi and New Delhi. We work with a range of partners seeking to transform the lives of vulnerable children and adolescents in developing countries. Areas of work include maternal and child health, adolescent sexual health, nutrition, education, and deworming, tackling child slavery and exploitation, and supporting smart ways to slow down and stop climate change.

Climate change poses the single biggest threat to the future of today’s children. Science tells us that climate security requires the global economy to be largely free of carbon pollution by 2050.

To secure a healthy and sustainable future for children, we support the urgent global transition to a zero-carbon society underpinned by a bio-material-based sustainable economy. Providing a climate-safe future promises multiple benefits today such as cleaner air, energy security and sustainable jobs, along with smart stewardship of the planet’s resources.

The strategic areas CIFF has been working on are energy, cities, air quality, industry, and reforestation. The key geographies of CIFF programmes are Europe, China, and Latin America, and it is expending to India and South East Asia.

China has been playing leading roles on the global low carbon transition. Since 2013, CIFF has been working closely with various partners in China to support China’s ambition of low carbon transition, particularly through the partnership with key government agencies on Energy transition, carbon pricing, low carbon sustainable cities, and air quality.

In 2016, CIFF made US$242m of grant disbursements, and US$67 was on addressing climate change. Over the past decade, CIFF endowment has grown to a value of $4.7 billion, after charitable activities and costs. In recent years, CIFF support programmes of around US$20m annually in the area of climate change in China.