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Time:March 18-20, 2017
Beijing Diaoyutai State Guesthouse
Sponsor:Development Research Center of the State Council
Organiser:China Development Research Foundation
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Volvo:Sustainable Transport Solutions


Transport is not an end in itself, but rather a means allowing people to access what they need: jobs, markets, social interaction, education, and a full range of other services and amenities contributing to healthy and fulfilled lives. In turn, sustainable transport drives sustainable development, fundamental to meeting the needs of people in their personal and economic lives, while respecting the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

This paper finds that China, like other major economies, is faced with immense challenges and opportunities as a result of rapid urbanization and motorization, such as creating efficient transport services, reducing the negative consequences, and promoting growth and social inclusion. To fulfill the ambition of transforming transport development into a more sustainable approach, it will need to promote a combination of multimodal, collective-shared mobility solutions and sustainable transport systems. Meanwhile, China has many choices, and new technology is the key, therefore technological innovation to make all modes of transport more sustainable will be essential.

At a general level, this paper provides the following policy recommendations for China’s sustainable transport:

1. A holistic manner is crucial. In the process of making transport planning, policy and investment decisions, it is crucial to take into full account of the three sustainable development dimensions—social development, environmental (including climate) impacts and economic growth—and take a full life cycle analysis, as it promises an improved economic and environmental performance in both the short and long run, while considering the social impact at all times.

2. A broad coalition is fundamental. To find, develop and deliver sustainable transport solutions, it is fundamental to engage all stakeholders, be it the governments at all levels, industry, policy and research institutes, and sector organizations. A broad collation must be formed to challenge the status quo, and push for real progress. Meanwhile, an informed, engaged public must be fostered, who will in turn serve as a crucial partner in advancing sustainable transport solutions.

3. A right environment is the key. To advance technological innovation for sustainable transport, a right environment is much needed to encourage private sector involvement and actions through various incentive structures. Thus it’s highly important to build technical capacity of transport planners and implementers, meanwhile, promote diversified funding sources and coherent fiscal frameworks.

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